Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Dia Beacon was an interesting museum to go to. The actual space was spectacular. The place was huge and so airy considering the building was an old factory. My favorite piece was Richard Cerra. I absolutely loved it because i have heard so much about his work but never had experianced first hand. And it was really was amazing as everyone said it would be. There were some other peices such as Bruce Nauman's video (which scared me) and Robert Smithson's Map of Broken Glass (which truly captivated me).

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


The Behavior of Bodies, the Motion of Clocks
by Michael Evans

An orbit is a way of keeping time--
not a metaphorfor life
together with another life--a body and a bodyat odds with the room's linear constraints.
(The room itself is not a metaphor
for how we live.)
The bed does not unfold like two hands--one circling
the otherand transparent--as if loneliness
(the beating silence of these days
he lives without speaking) were enough
to suggest that time and distance are measured
with the same equation.
At night, he sets the clock
to an hour
that already exists
(thinly, as light)beyond the orbits he understands--
the comings and goingsof doctors, this routine of pills.He listensto the elliptical path
of his breathingand he knows the universe will not collapsein time to save his youth(for yourself, sir, shall grow old as I am,if like a crab you could go backward).
He dreams himself a young man,
but wakes to nothingless than he is.
He is not allowed a mirror and does not lookat his hands. Breathing, he countshimself to sleep. Were he a crab, he would give up this shell